Saturday, August 4, 2018

Led by Holy Spirit and leaning on Holy Scriptures

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Many people will follow their own lead, make their own choices and decisions, only to end up in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong outcome. Eventually, they find that nothing is working quite right for them and they keep asking themselves, "Why?" The truth is, they aren't following the prompts of the Holy Spirit, who was sent to Christians as the truth giver, to direct us on the right path. The Holy Spirit teaches us, convicts us, and guides us but we must learn to hear His voice. The first and foremost requirement in listening, hearing and being led, is to be a born again Christian, accepting Christ as your personal Saviour, asking Jesus into your life after repenting and asking for forgiveness! In return, Jesus gives you the Holy Spirit to indwell in you, to help you on your Christian journey!

Man is a spirit being, that has a soul and lives in a physical body. Because man IS a spirit being, he is able to communicate with God! In Proverbs 20:27 confirms this, saying, "The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, Searching all the inner depths of his heart." We can't be led by our emotions because they aren't reliable. They will always misguide us because they are ever-changing. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! If a Christian isn't in the Word, spending time building a relationship with God and talking with the Holy Spirit, they will find it increasingly hard to hear and trust the voice of your spirit. Many of us sometimes wonder if it's the direction of God, the Devil's or our own but the two main ways to discern if it's God speaking to you is 1) Does it line up with the Word and 2) Do you have the peace of God about it?

Not every Christian is in a place to be led by the Holy Spirit, even though God is ALWAYS speaking, there are 3 kinds of receivers:
1) Those who can't hear because of the lives they live.
2) Those who hear but choose to ignore what they've heard, and
3) Those who hear and obey.

This is where choices come into play. Each choice we make, we are given a split second prompting from the Holy Spirit whether we should choose one way or another. It's then our choice what we do, we either will obey or choose to go our own way. He will always speak to us but we don't always pay attention. Remember this, hearing from God is part of our divine heritage! Let's not miss out on all the perks of royalty because we like living in the flesh too much! Romans 8:14-15 says this quite beautifully, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."

You need the Holy Spirit to witness everyday, on your job, at school, in your home....everywhere you go! And as you go through each day, speak to the Holy Spirit, asking His guidance in all that you do and the more you converse, the easier it will be to HEAR! The Spirit helps in our weaknesses as well. When we don't know what to pray for, or how we ought to pray, the Holy Spirit will intercede for us, Romans 8:26. God's best advice to us concerning our listening skills is to do absolutely nothing if you do not have His peace within you. Likewise, if you receive His peace about something, then move forward. You will know what to do if you know how to listen!

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