Saturday, January 12, 2019

"The Book of Job (Part 1)" - Pastor Doug Batchelor

Job explores the difficult question of God's relationship to human suffering, and invites us to trust God's wisdom and character.

Set in Uz, an obscure land far from Israel, during an unknown time period, the book of Job focuses on questions about God's justice and why good people suffer. At the same time, it also asks the question we rarely think to ask, why do good people prosper?

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1 comment:

  1. Job 17:9 The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

    The book of Job is really important to all Christians. You will be rewarded greatly for understanding its contents. So many lessons and concepts are introduced.

    One lesson I have learned is if you face hardship its not because you must have did something wrong. Remember "It rains on saints and sinners".
